Wednesday, April 26, 2006


How to Feed a Baby who has Acid Reflux

My daughter Bailey was born on January 18, 2006.We started her on Good Start formula when we brought her home. She did really well for about the first week and a half. After that first week Bailey started having reflux. The reason I know this is my first daughter did the same thing. I took Bailey to the doctor a few days later. The doctor examined her and said she had reflux. He started her on a medicine called Axid. Axid is specifically for babies that have reflux. Bailey’s doctor also changed her formula and he explained to me on how to feed her and what to do after she eats. So here are a few steps on how to feed a baby with reflux.

1. The first step is to feed your baby regular baby food.
2. After your baby is fed you need to keep them upright for about 30 to 40 minutes.
3. Watch for certain foods or activities that can cause the reflux to be worse.
4. Foods that trigger reflux are: chocolate, citrus fruits, caffeine, and carbonated drinks.
5. Reduce the baby’s intake of these kinds of foods.
6. The baby’s last feeding needs to be at least 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime.
Written by Shawna

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